Breastfeeding Support

I'm here to help you do one of the most natural things in the world. . .nourish and feed your baby. But, for some it doesn't come easy, that's why I'm here for you!

Full time support! As you embark on the journey of motherhood there is so much to learn about nurturing these little bundles of joy. During our calls or visits, you will gain a listening ear and education of an almost lost art. These sessions are designed to cater to your needs whether you are looking for education, help or advice. Breastfeeding may be the most bonding and valuable factor in motherhood, but it often comes with its challenges. I am here to listen, inform, answer questions, and encourage you to not give up.  

My goal is to make this experience positive and memorable. Some topics that are included: the benefits of human milk, what a correct latch looks and feels like, position options, and nutrition. Explore tips for initial contact, bottle feeding, pumping, increasing milk supply, and feeding multiples.

Whatever stage of breastfeeding you are in, there will be answers to your questions and relief for your pain! 

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